best of beauty 2016

As the year comes to end, it’s time to round up the best in beauty for the year. Here is what I have been enjoying and reaching for again and again as part of my beauty routine. I wanted to share these with you and hope that you are able to try out some of…

my winter skincare routine

Now that it’s getting colder out, my skin is definitely feeling more dehydrated. This routine has been working really well, in keeping acne at bay and leaves my skin hydrated and soft. Here’s my current skincare routine: Cleanse with Cetaphil derma control foam wash– I have tried an endless number of cleansers, both high end…

my world.

December is my favorite month of the year and there has definitely been much to love…There is something about the colder months that just makes me appreciate things like being home and being warm, snuggling up on the couch with Chutney, listening to good music or watching bad TV, staring at my Christmas tree or…